Hello Dreamers!
Wednesday June 19th marked the day of my first "official" exhibition and silent auction fundraiser! What an amazing night!
It was a project I have been taking on as curator since last year to direct the exhibition. I had the opportunity to curate, consult on and lead the show with the talented photographer, Chris Loh, displaying works to support multiple charities. The journey was so rewarding and I learned many things along the way.
"Curitus: The Exhibition" was being held at Pyatt Hall and I had to utilize most of its space. I selected the best choices (all of them were undeniably so vividly beautiful) for the exhibition and organized the logistics and facilitation of it all. My favourite part was creating a story out of the photographs and watching them flow with one another within time (or in this case, within the space). I didn't realize until after the show was done that I had to reduce 370+ prints down to 41! I selected photographs from all over the world and placed them in their own series. We ended up displaying; Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Uzbekistan, India, the United Kingdom and Vienna. They were printed on 24x36" canvas with the exception of one (16 x 30") and were displayed (after much consideration) on floor easels. I took out my technical whiz side and wrote the didactic panels (after asking the photographer with a series of questions and prompts) and created labels for the viewers to easily auction and bid! It was like being the "mastermind behind the operation" and it was a BLAST! After the creation of the exhibition (planning, installing and all that fun!) Curitus sold and reached their goal of $4338 with 160 attendees. Seeing everyone interact with the photographs and WANTING them was rewarding and very satisfying. It couldn't have been done without such a fantastic team and without the amazing collaboration between myself and the star of the show, Chris Loh.
What a journey!
More next time...!